(PART 2)


Barrel Bag (noun)

          A sports bag which is cylindrical in shape.  It is also called gym bag or duffel bag.  Please see picture below:

Picture Credit:

 Barrel Bomb (noun)

          A barrel or container loaded with explosives and dropped from airplane/ helicopter as an improvised bomb, without any guiding system.  Barrel bomb is also called dumb bomb.

Barrel Race (noun)

          A kind of horse race in which horses are raced or ridden around standing barrels, to determine adroitness and championship.  Please see picture below:

Picture Credit:  Pixabay


Barrel Bulk (noun)

          A measure that is equal to five cubit feet or approximately 142 litres.  Barrel bulk is used to estimate capacity (volume, size, etc.) in relation to vessels or freight.

 Barrel Cactus (noun)

          Any cactus plant with barrel-like shape.   Some of the barrel cactus produce flowers which are called barrel cactus flowers.

Please see pictures below:

 Picture Credit:   Wikipedia

 Barrel Chest (noun)

          This refers to a robust/muscular chest, often associated with much physical strength.   Barrel chests often result from physical or bodily training.  But some barrel chests are caused by emphysema or other abnormal health conditions.  Please see picture below:

Picture Credit:  Pinterest

 Barrel Child (noun)

          A barrel child is a child living in a developing country, but whose parents have found employment abroad, and is thus emotionally detached from the parents.  For example, a boy or girl who is living in Nigeria, but whose parents are working in Britain or another country, is a barrel child.

Barrel Jellyfish (noun)

          Barrel jellyfish (scientifically called rhizostoma pulmo) is a venomous or poisonous jellyfish which looks like mushroom.  Please see picture of a typical barrel fish below:


 Picture Credit:  The Wildlife Trusts

 Barrel Jumping (noun)

          A type of ice skating sport in which ice skaters build up speed to jump over multiple barrels that are lined up side by side.  The target of this sport is for the participants to win by jumping over most of the lined barrels without landing on them, but to land beyond the areas of the lined barrels.

Barrel Nut (noun)

          Barrel nut is a cylindrical or semi-cylindrical forged nut that has a threaded hole through the centre where an appropriate bolt can be driven (into the hole) and fixed securely in place.  A barrel nut is also called steel cross dowel or dowel nut.  Please see pictures below:

Picture Credit:   Wikipedia

 Barrel Vault (noun)

          Barrel vault is an architectural terminology used to refer to a simple roof with curved, semi-circular cross section.

Barrel (present tense verb), Barrelling (past participle verb), Barrelled (past tense verb).

Barrel as a verb, has three meanings:

i.                   To pack or put contents into a barrel.

ii.                 To move swiftly or in an uncontrolled manner.

iii.     To assume the shape of a barrel, especially electronically, on computer, television, etc.


-         More fun than a barrel of monkeys

Meaning:   Something that is very amusing and sometimes enjoyable.  This idiom, ‘more fun than a barrel of monkeys’ is synonymous with other idioms like ‘be a barrel of laughs’ and ‘barrel of fun’.

-         A rotten apple spoils the barrel

Meaning:   An immoral or dishonest person can have a bad influence on a group.

-         Have (somebody) over a barrel

Meaning:   To put someone in a very difficult situation in which such one has no choice about what to do.

-         Lock, stock and barrel

Meaning:     Every part of something or to include everything in question, without anything left out.

-         Scrape (the bottom of) the barrel  

Meaning:     To use the worst persons or things because that is all that is available.


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